SAS has a fleet of 162 aircraft: 21 Airbus- and 80 Boeing. The SAS also uses one ATR 42-500, 6 CRJ200, and 11 CRJ900 as well as flying with 38 McDonnell Douglas and five Fokker F27 MK050 (February 2010). The average age of the aircraft is 12.9 years.
The SAS was launched in 1946. At this point, one year after the end of the Second World War, long-haul flights to destinations such as Buenos Aires, New York or Bangkok were already being operated. SAS was founded by the three airlines Det Danske Luftfartselskab A/S, Svensk Interkontinental Lufttrafik AB and Det Norske Luftfartselskap AS.
Scandinavian airlines was one of the founding members of the Star Alliance in 1997, which is now the largest airline alliance in the world.
Until the beginning of 2009, SAS also owned shares in the Spanish airline Spanair, which were sold due to the loss of 4.9 billion krone. With this sale, Scandinavian airline shows its commitment to concentrate more on the north European region.
Flights are operated from UK airports such as London, Leeds, Edinburgh and Birmingham to destinations worldwide, including for example Beijing. Airports in Finland such as Rovaniemi, Oulu and Helsinki are also served. More than 270 weekly flights are operated within Scandinavia. Long-haul flights are also operated, serving for example Washington, New York, Chicago and Bangkok.