Helsingborg Angelholm Airport
- URL: Official website
- Time zone: GMT 1
- Service telephone: +46 431 48 45-00
- Address: Ängelholm-Helsingborg Airport, S-262 91 Ängelholm, Sweden
- Operating company: Luftfartsverket (LFV)
- Parking: Paid parking for about 850 vehicles.
- Nearby cities: Kopenhagen (72 km), Malmö (78 km)
- Directions by car: The airport is north of Ängelholm on the main road 107, it is signposted.
- Stations: To Helsingborg or Ängelholm main station, then use a taxi or a shuttle bus that runs daily between 5 am and 6 pm operated by "Bergkvarabuss".
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (17.70%), Tuesday (17.38%), Wednesday (18.34%), Thursday (18.02%), Friday (16.27%), Saturday (1.91%), Sunday (10.37%)
- Alternative spelling: Ängelholm-Helsingborg, Angelholm, Engelholm, Ангелхолм, Енгелхолм, Энгельхольм, Άνγκελχολμ, انجلهولم, エンゲルホルム, 恩厄尔霍尔姆, 恩厄爾霍爾姆, 엥겔 홀름
The airport is about 4 miles north of Ängelholm and 20 miles north of Helsingborg. From Helsinborg use the motorway E-6/E-20 to Ängelholm, then the main road 107 (Kungsgärdsleden) following the signs to the airport.