Guideline for the moderation of content

Updated: 17.02.2024

1. Objective of the guideline

The aim of idealo (hereinafter also referred to as "we") is to create a positive and legally compliant environment for all users of our price comparison portals. Our users trust in the quality, integrity and sustainability of the products and services listed on idealo. The following explains our guiding principles, procedures, measures, and tools that we use to moderate content.

2. General information

a) Guiding principles

Providers of products and services on our price comparison portals are required to only provide us with content that complies with the applicable General Terms of Use for our shopping and comparison portals, the General Terms and Conditions for Submitting Offers and the applicable idealo guidelines (hereinafter jointly referred to as " Contractual Terms"). The idealo guidelines to be followed by providers when submitting offers for products and services can be accessed here.

b) Voluntary investigations

idealo is under no general obligation to monitor the content provided by or stored on behalf of providers and other users or to actively seek circumstances that indicate illegal activity or the incompatibility of the content with statutory provisions, the rights of third parties or the applicable contractual terms.

idealo nonetheless reserves the right to carry out voluntary own-initiative investigations in good faith in order to detect, identify and remove or disable access to illegal content or content that violates the applicable contractual terms and to take all necessary measures in accordance with the applicable contractual terms.

3. Procedure for the moderation of content

a) Notice of violations

idealo has established a notice mechanism to enable individuals and entities to notify idealo through an electronic form of content in connection with the listing of offers for products and services on idealo websites that they consider to be illegal. Further information on the notice mechanism can be accessed here.

b) Content review

As part of voluntary own-initiative investigations and the review of content notices, we utilise automated procedures, manual verification, and a combination of the two.

aa) Manual verification

Insofar as we do not utilise automated review tools, we rely on manual verification by our employees. In addition, our employees review notices and other information from third parties regarding allegedly illegal content, examine the reported content and, as appropriate, implement measures in the event of violations. We additionally review isolated contents on a voluntary basis and, where appropriate, take measures in the event of violations in accordance with the applicable contractual terms.

bb) Automated verification

We utilise software to detect and disable access to content that violates our contractual terms. This includes software systems that screen content provided to us for violations based on certain keywords, descriptions, titles, or images.

If violations are detected during the screening, content that has already been published is automatically disabled temporarily or permanently by the software system, or publication of the content is blocked if it has not yet been published on our website.

If automated means have been utilised to screen content and we have subsequently implemented measures against this content, we will notify the providers directly affected by the measure of the use of automated means.

c) Measures in case of violation

To safeguard our services and to ensure a positive and legally compliant environment for all users, we may implement various content moderation measures. These include but are not limited to the following measures, taken on the grounds that the information provided by users constitutes illegal content or is incompatible with our contractual terms:

The details are set out in the applicable contractual terms and conditions.

4. Internal complaint-handling system

We have established an electronic and free internal complaint-handling system for complaints by users and providers against our content moderation decisions. Further details on the complaint procedure can be accessed here.